State-of-the-art stellarator optimization code

The STELLOPT OPTIMUM namelist controls the execution of the STELLOPT code. Not all values need be specified in a file. This input namelist should be appended the input file containing the VMEC input namelist. The OPTIMUM namelist is arranged below into sections for clarity. The first section deals with how the optimizer runs and which equilibrium code to utilize.

Table of Contents

Runtime Control

The following parameters control how the code runs. Depending on the type of optimization the parameters may change functionality. For a characterization of some optimization choices please see the page STELLOPT Optimizer Comparison.

!       Optimizer Run Control Parameters
  NFUNC_MAX    = 5000                       ! Maximum number of function evaluations
  EQUIL_TYPE   = 'VMEC2000'                 ! Equilibrium Code VMEC2000
  OPT_TYPE     = 'LMDIF'                    ! Optimization Type (LMDIF),GADE,MAP,PSO
  FTOL         = 1.0E-4                     ! Absolute Tolerance
  XTOL         = 1.0E-4                     ! Relative Tolerance
  GTOL         = 1.0E-30                    ! Orthogonality Tolerance
  EPSFCN       = 1.0E-4                     ! Finite Difference Stepsize
  FACTOR       = 100.0                      ! Initial step scaling
  MODE         = 0                          ! Mode Parameter
  NPOPULATION  = 8                          ! Number of members in population
  NOPTIMIZERS  = 8                          ! Number of parallel function evaluations
  LKEEP_MINS   = T                          ! Logical to keep minimum states
  LREFIT       = F                          ! Logical for profile refitting (reconstruction only)


Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm with finite difference derivative evaluation. Note that the user should not set the NPOPULATION parameter unless they’re running parallel codes.

FTOL Desired relative error in sum of squares. Termination occurs when both the actual an predicted relative reductions in the sum of squares are at most FTOL. Therefore, FTOL measures the relative error desired in the sum of squares.
XTOL Desired relative error in approximate solution. Termination occurs when the relative error between two consecutive iterates is at most XTOL. Therefore, XTOL measures the relative error desired in the approximate solution.
GTOL Measures the orthogonality between the function vector and columns of the Jacobian. Termination occurs when the cosine of the angle between FVEC and any column of the Jacobian is at most GTOL in absolute value. Therefore, GTOL measures the orthogonality desired between the function vector and the columns of the jacobian.
EPSFCN Jacobian forward differencing step size (1% ~ 0.0001)
FACTOR Determines initial step step bound (100.0 suggested)
MODE Determines variable scaling (1: auto, 2: Use DVAR scaling values)
NOPTIMIZERS Number of parallel function evaluations being evaluated.

A bounded LMDIF routine is also accessible by setting the OPT_TYPE=’LMDIF_BOUNDED’. When using parallel codes the NOPTIMIZERS variable defines how many parallel function evaluations being performed durring the run. For example if you have 64 MPI threads and NOPTIMIZERS is set to 4, then 4 simultaneous function evaluations are performed each with 16 MPI threads for running the parallel codes (BEAMS3D, GENE, COILOPT++, etc). Traditionally, NOPTIMZIERS was always equal to the number of processors.


Genetic algorithm with differential evolution mode where the input vector defining the optimized quantities are treated as ‘GENES.’ It should be noted that the user must also supply MIN and MAX values through the appropriate auxiliary arrays for each variable which is varied. Stereotypical advice is to set MIN = 0.5VAL and MAX=2.0VAL where VAL is the initial value of the variable being varied by the code (some sorting may be necessary). This was how the values were traditionally set in addition to: FACTOR = 0.5, EPSFCN = 0.3, MODE = 2, CR_STRATEGY = 0.

FACTOR Mutation scaling factor (F).
EPSFCN Crossover factor.
MODE The strategy of the mutation operations used.
CR_STRATEGY Cross-over strategy (0: exponential, 1: binomial)
NPOPULATION Total number of members in the population.
NOPTIMIZERS Number of parallel function evaluations being evaluated.

The algorithm begin by evaluating NPOPULATION equilibria, where the first member of the population is the input equilibria. All other equilibria are randomly generated from the MIN and MAX values in the OPTIMUM name list. The CR_STRATEGY parameter controls how ‘GENES’ are mutated. Setting it to 1 tells the code to randomly permute GENES where approximately EPSFCN (in percentage) ‘GENES’ are permuted. Setting it to zero gives a more random behavior. However, if the user sets EPSFCN to 1, all ‘GENES’ will be mutated either way. Setting EPSFCN to 0 and CR_STRATEGY to 1 would tell the code to permute one ‘GENE.’ Setting EPSFCN to 0 and CR_STRATEGY to 0 would permute all ‘GENES.’ The mutation of the ‘GENES’ is controlled by FACTOR and MODE. In each case, member of the population are randomly chosen to ‘mate.’ The FACTOR parameter controls how much ‘mutation’ is preformed. The following table outlines the effects of the MODE parameter

MODE Mutation Equation
2 X_NEW=X_3+FACTOR*(X_1-X_2)
4 X_NEW=X_BEST+FACTOR*(X_1-X_2+X_3-X_4)
5 X_NEW=X_5+FACTOR*(X_1-X_2+X_3-X_4)

Here X_BEST is the GENE from the ‘BEST’ previous equilibrium (lowest chi-squared), X_(1,2,3,4,5) are randomly chosen members of the population, and X_OLD is the original GENE. Remember that only specific ‘GENES’ are being mutated. Notes from code on choice of MODE.

!=======Choice of strategy=================================================
!  We have tried to come up with a sensible naming-convention: DE/x/y/z
!    DE :  stands for Differential Evolution
!    x  :  a string which denotes the vector to be perturbed
!    y  :  number of difference vectors taken for perturbation of x
!    z  :  crossover method (exp = exponential, bin = binomial)
!  There are some simple rules which are worth following:
!  1)  F is usually between 0.5 and 1 (in rare cases > 1)
!  2)  CR is between 0 and 1 with 0., 0.3, 0.7 and 1. being worth to be tried first
!  3)  To start off NP = 10*D is a reasonable choice. Increase NP IF
!      misconvergence happens.
!  4)  If you increase NP, F usually has to be decreased
!  5)  When the DE/best... schemes fail DE/rand... usually works and vice versa
! Here are Storn''s comments on the different strategies:
! (1) DE/best/1/'z'
!     Our oldest strategy but still not bad. However, we have found several
!     optimization problems WHERE misconvergence occurs.
! (2) DE/rand/1/'z'
!     This is one of my favourite strategies. It works especially well when the
!     "bestit[]"-schemes EXPerience misconvergence. Try e.g. F=0.7 and CR=0.5
!     as a first guess.
! (3) DE/rand-to-best/1/'z'
!     This strategy seems to be one of the best strategies. Try F=0.85 and CR=1.
!     If you get misconvergence try to increase NP. If this does not help you
!     should play around with all three control variables.
! (4) DE/best/2/'z' is another powerful strategy worth trying
! (5) DE/rand/2/'z' seems to be a robust optimizer for many functions

To preform a restart from a previous run first setup a new directory, with the input file and any auxiliary files you may need. Then copy in the gade_restart.ext file from your previous run. Then when you execute STELLOPT, include the -restart flag on the command line to tell the system that this is a restart.


Particle Swarm evolution.

FTOL Desired relative error in sum of squares.
XTOL Desired relative error in approximate solution.
EPSFCN Ratio of global attractor to local (local = 1.0)
FACTOR Scaling factor for maximum velocity
NPOPULATION Total number of members in the population.
NOPTIMIZERS Number of parallel function evaluations being evaluated.

MANGO algorithms

Over 30 additional optimization algorithms are available in STELLOPT via the MANGO library, which includes interfaces to the PETSc, GSL, NLOpt, and HOPSPACK packages. To use one of these algorithms, you must link to MANGO when building STELLOPT, and then set OPT_TYPE equal to one of the MANGO algorithms, e.g. ‘petsc_pounders’. For more details, see the STELLOPT MANGO documentation.


To run STELLOPT codes on an input file, without optimization, set OPT_TYPE = ‘ONE_ITER’.

Mapping (gridded)

The STELLOPT code can perform a gridded mapping of the n-dimensional space.

MODE Number of gridpoints along a given dimension
NPOPULATION Number of workers to evaluate map (default: NPROCS)

Mapping (hyperplane)

The STELLOPT code can perform a gridded mapping using a 2D hyperspace plane as defined by two points in space. In this case, the plane is defined by the initial equilibrium and the equilibriums defined by XXX_MIN and XXX_MAX (where XXX are the desired variables).

MODE Number of gridpoints along a given dimension
NPOPULATION Number of workers to evaluate map (default: NPROCS)


The quantities we wish to optimize (variables) are specified on an individual basis. There is a one to one correspondance between a parameter below and the value varied in the equilibrium input namelist. All values are defaulted to false. It should be noted that a min and max value are available for each variable along with a scaling value (D). The MIN and MAX values are used to bound the optimization (necessary for the global searches: PSO,GADE; but optional for the Levenberg) . The scaling values are only utilized for the Levenber-Marquardt algorithm with MODE set to 2.

!       Optimized Quantities
    PHIEDGE_MIN = 0.01
    PHIEDGE_MAX = 1.00
    DPHIEDGE    = 1.0
  LAPHI_OPT     = T T T T
  LAM_OPT       = T T T T
  LAC_OPT       = F T F T
  LAI_OPT       = T F T F
  LAH_OPT       = T T T T
  LAT_OPT       = T T T T
  LNE_OPT       = T T T T
  LZEFF_OPT     = T T T T
  LTE_OPT       = T T T T
  LTI_OPT       = T T T T
  LAM_F_OPT     = T T T T
  LAC_F_OPT     = T T T T
  LAI_F_OPT     = T T T T
  LNE_F_OPT     = T T T T
  LTE_F_OPT     = T F T T
  LTI_F_OPT     = F F T T
  LBOUND_OPT(1,0) = T      ! Optimize RBC,ZBS Arrays
  LRHO_OPT(1,0) = T        ! Optimize RHOMN (Hirshman/Breslau representation)
  LDELTAMN_OPT(1,0) = T    ! Optimize DELTAMN (Garabedian representation)

Care should be taken not to enable conflicting profiles (ex. NE and AM). Note when optimizing boundary harmonics that LRHO_OPT and LDELTAMN_OPT will first recalculate the rhomn or deltamn represenation based on the RBC and ZBS arrays, then vary these coefficients. Hirshman-Breslau (S. P. Hirshman and J. Breslau, Phys. Plasmas 5, 2664 (1998)) and Garabedian representations only support stellarator symmetry (up-down) at this time.

Profile Functions

As seen in the above section, various non-equilibrium profiles have been introduced. These profiles include electron density (NE), effective ion charge (ZEFF), electron temperature (TE), ion temperature (TI), electrostatic potential (PHI), driven current (BEAMJ), and bootstrap current (BOOTJ). These profiles are utilized to calculate pressure and current profiles which are then used to calculate the equilibrium. Two profile variables exist for most profiles these are parameterized XX_OPT and spline XX_AUX_S, XX_AUX_F. The available profile types for NE, TE, TI, and ZEFF are: GAUSS_TRUNC, TWO_LORENTZ, TWO_POWER, POWER_SERIES, PEDESTAL, and SPLINE. The BEAMJ and BOOTJ profiles are summed together to provide the AC_AUX_F array (where it is assumed we are providing I-prime not I). The BEAMJ profile has the types: TWO_POWER and SPLINE. The BOOTJ profile has the types: BUMP, TWO_POWER, SPLINE. Note that the BEAMJ and BOOTJ profiles do not have XX_OPT type profile specification but rather use the spline array values when parameterized. Note that NE is normalized to 1.0E+18.

!       Profile Functions
  NE_OPT     = 1.0  2.0  3.0
  NE_AUX_S   = 0.0  0.1  0.5  0.9  1.0   ! Radial Location of Spline knots
  NE_AUX_F   = 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.2  0.0   ! Spline knot values
  ZEFF_OPT     = 1.0  2.0  3.0
  ZEFF_AUX_S   = 0.0  0.1  0.5  0.9  1.0
  ZEFF_AUX_F   = 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.2  0.0
  TE_OPT     = 1.0  2.0  3.0
  TE_AUX_S   = 0.0  0.1  0.5  0.9  1.0
  TE_AUX_F   = 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.2  0.0
  TI_OPT     = 1.0  2.0  3.0
  TI_AUX_S   = 0.0  0.1  0.5  0.9  1.0
  TI_AUX_F   = 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.2  0.0
  BEAMJ_AUX_S   = 0.0  0.1  0.5  0.9  1.0
  BEAMJ_AUX_F   = 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.2  0.0
  BOOTJ_AUX_S   = 0.0  0.1  0.5  0.9  1.0
  BOOTJ_AUX_F   = 1.0  1.0  1.0  1.2  0.0
Profile Type (XX_TYPE) Functional form Description
AKIMA_SPLINE See desciption 3rd order Akima spline. Minimum of five knots required. Use XX_AUX_S and XX_AUX_F to control the knot locations and values.
POWER_SERIES \(c0 + c1*s + s^2 + c2*s^3 + . . .\) Polynomial power series in s. It is recommended to fix the odd coefficients to zero in order to have a better behaved even polynomial. Use XX_OPT to control the coefficient values.
TWO_POWER \(c0*(1 - s^c1)^c2\) Simple 3 coefficient representation.
GAUSS_TRUNC \((c0/(1.0 - \exp(-(1.0/c1)^2)))*(\exp(-(s./c1).^2)-\exp(-(1.0/c1)^2))\) Two coefficient truncated gaussian.
TWO_LORENTZ two Lorentz-type functions, mapped to [0:1]  
PEDESTAL \(C20 * C17 * ( \tanh( 2*(C18-\sqrt{s})/C19) - \tanh( 2*(C18-1.0) /C19 ) )\) 10th order polynomial plus hyperbolic tangent like edge profile. Note C20 auto-calculated to be \(C20 = 1.0/(\tanh(2*c18/c19)-\tanh(2*(c18-1)/c19))\)

Boozer Spectrum Parameters

General values are placed in the next section which may effect the various chi-squared calculations not defined in another namelist

!       Boozer Coordinate Transformation
  MBOZ = 65
  NBOZ = 24


There are various chi-squared functionals and each is a unique set of parameters. In general for each target value there is a sigma associated with it. Here they are broken down by specialty

!       Equilibrium / Geometry Optimization Targets
  TARGET_PHIEDGE = 2.5    SIGMA_PHIEDGE = 0.025   ! Enclosed Toroidal Flux [Wb]
  TARGET_CURTOR  = 1.0E6  SIGMA_CURTOR  = 1.0E3   ! Total Toroidal Current [A]
  TARGET_CURVATURE = 1.0E-3  SIGMA_CURVATURE = 1.0 ! Flux surface curvature
  TARGET_RBTOR   = 7.2    SIGMA_RBTOR   = 0.01    ! R*Btor [T-m]
  TARGET_R0      = 3.6    SIGMA_R0      = 0.01    ! Magnetic Axis R (phi=0) [m]
  TARGET_Z0      = 0.5    SIGMA_Z0      = 0.01    ! Magnetic Axis Z (phi=0) [m]
  TARGET_VOLUME  = 1.0E2  SIGMA_VOLUME  = 1.0     ! Plasma Volume [m^-3]
  TARGET_BETA    = 0.02   SIGMA_BETA    = 0.0001  ! Average Plasma Beta
  TARGET_WP      = 1.0E3  SIGMA_WP      = 1.0     ! Stored Energy [J]
  TARGET_ASPECT  = 5.0    SIGMA_ASPECT  = 0.5     ! Aspect Ratio (R/a)
!       Equilibrium Elongation Targets
!          KAPPA:  Elongation defined by plasma minor radius.
!          KAPPA_BOX:  Elongation defined by box.
!          KAPPA_AVG:  Toroidal average of KAPPA.
!          Note:  KAPPA and KAPPA_BOX require a toroidal angle to be
!                     specified (defaults to 0.0).
!       Boozer Coordinate Helicity
!         Note that helicity targeting is by surface.  Axis (01) is ignored.
!         (X,0): Quasi-Axisymetry
!         (0,X): Quasi-Poloidal Symmetry
!         (L,K): Quasi-Helical Symmetry (m *K + n*L)
  HELICITY = (1,0)
  TARGET_HELICITY(02) = 0.0  SIGMA_HELICITY(02) = 0.01
  TARGET_HELICITY(03) = 0.0  SIGMA_HELICITY(03) = 0.01
  TARGET_HELICITY(25) = 0.0  SIGMA_HELICITY(25) = 0.01
!       Ballooning Stability (as calculated by COBRA_VMEC)
!         Note that ballooning stability is by surface.  Axis (01) is ignored.
!         THETA, ZETA: Ballooning angle perturbations
  BALLOON_THETA = 0.0  3.14  5.50
  BALLOON_ZETA    = 0.0 3.14  5.50
  TARGET_BALLOON(02) = 0.0  SIGMA_BALLOON(02) = 0.2
  TARGET_BALLOON(10) = 0.0  SIGMA_BALLOON(10) = 0.2
  TARGET_BALLOON(45) = 0.0  SIGMA_BALLOON(45) = 0.2
  TARGET_BALLOON(55) = 0.0  SIGMA_BALLOON(55) = 0.2
  TARGET_BALLOON(99) = 0.0  SIGMA_BALLOON(99) = 0.2
!       Kink Stability (as calculated by TERPSICHORE)
!         Requires STELLOPT to be linked to TERPSICHORE
!         Requires the terpsichore_input_XX files to be in the directory.
!         Positive values of kink are considered stable.
  TARGET_KINK(01) = 0.01  SIGMA_KINK(01) = 1.0
    NJ_KINK(01) = 256 NK_KINK(01) = 256
    MLMNS_KINK(01) = 76 LSSD_KINK(01) = 4096 LSSL_KINK(01) = 4096   ! terpsichore_input_00
  TARGET_KINK(02) = 0.01  SIGMA_KINK(02) = 1.0
    NJ_KINK(02) = 128 NK_KINK(02) = 128
    MLMNS_KINK(02) = 96 LSSD_KINK(02) = 4096 LSSL_KINK(02) = 4096! terpsichore_input_01
!       Neoclassical Transport Calculation (as calculated by NEO)
!         Note that neoclassical transport is by surface. Axis (01) is ignored.
  TARGET_NEO(02) = 0.0  SIGMA_NEO(02) = 0.01
  TARGET_NEO(10) = 0.0  SIGMA_NEO(10) = 0.01
  TARGET_NEO(45) = 0.0  SIGMA_NEO(45) = 0.01
  TARGET_NEO(55) = 0.0  SIGMA_NEO(55) = 0.01
  TARGET_NEO(98) = 0.0  SIGMA_NEO(98) = 0.01
!       Neoclassical L11 Transport Coefficient (as calculated by DKES)
!         Target runs over radial grid
!         Multiple NU/E pairs possible for a given grid
!         NU : nu / v = CMUL
!         E:    E / v = EFIELD
  TARGET_DKES(8) = 0.0   SIGMA_DKES(8) = 1.0E-2
  TARGET_DKES(32) = 0.0  SIGMA_DKES(32) = 1.0E-2
  TARGET_DKES(72) = 0.0  SIGMA_DKES(72) = 1.0E-2
     NU_DKES(1) = 2.50E-06  E_DKES(1) = 5.00E-04
     NU_DKES(2) = 2.50E-06  E_DKES(2) = 2.74E-03
!       L11 Er Spread (as calculated by DKES)
!         Computes difference between two DKES runs at two Er values
!         Target runs over radial grid
!         NU_DKES_ERDIFF : nu / v = CMUL
!         EP_DKES_ERDIFF : Upper Er value
!         EM_DKES_ERDIFF : Lower Er value  
     NU_DKES_ERDIFF = 2.50E-06  
     EP_DKES_ERDIFF = 0.0
     EM_DKES_ERDIFF = 1.0E-3
!       L11 Alpha (as calculated by DKES)
!         Computes difference between two DKES runs at two Er/nu values
!         Multiple NU/E pairs possible for a given grid
!         NUP_DKES_ALPHA : Upper NU value
!         NUM_DKES_ALPHA : Lower NU value
!         EP_DKES_ERDIFF : Upper Er value
!         EM_DKES_ERDIFF : Lower Er value  
  TARGET_DKES_ALPHA(32) = 0.0  SIGMA_DKES_ALPHA(32) = 1.0E-2
  TARGET_DKES_ALPHA(72) = 0.0  SIGMA_DKES_ALPHA(72) = 1.0E-2
     NUP_DKES_ALPHA(1) = 2.50E-06  NUM_DKES_ALPHA(1) = 2.50E-06
     EP_DKES_ALPHA(1) = 5.00E-04   EM_DKES_ALPHA(1) = 5.00E-04
     NUP_DKES_ALPHA(2) = 2.50E-06  NUM_DKES_ALPHA(2) = 2.50E-06
     EP_DKES_ALPHA(2) = 2.74E-03   EM_DKES_ALPHA(2) = 2.74E-03
!       Bootstrap Calculation (as calculated by BOOTSJ)
!         Note that the bootstrap current is by surface. Axis (01) is ignored.
!         If BEAMJ AND BOOTJ profiles are being utilized, the comparrision will be made
!           against the BOOTJ portion of the profile only.  Otherwise, the comparrision is
!           made against the equilibrium total JDOTB.  Also note that the BOOTSJ input
!           namelist should be included in this file.
!         The TE and NE profiles must be specified to use this option.  If TI is specified
!            it is used, otherwise the teti ratio in the BOOTSJ namelist is used.  Same is
!            true for ZEFF and ZEFF1.
!       External Currents - Vacuum field coil currents [A]
  TARGET_EXTCUR(01) =  1.0E5  SIGMA_EXTCUR(01) = 1.0
  TARGET_EXTCUR(02) =  2.0E5  SIGMA_EXTCUR(02) = 1.0
  TARGET_EXTCUR(03) =  3.0E5  SIGMA_EXTCUR(03) = 1.0
  TARGET_EXTCUR(04) = -1.0E5  SIGMA_EXTCUR(04) = 1.0
  TARGET_EXTCUR(05) =  3.0E5  SIGMA_EXTCUR(05) = 1.0
!       Pressure Profile Target (256 targets max)
!          Array of pressure targets in R,PHI,Z space
!                        or
!          Array of pressure targets in S space S_PRESS(XX) = XX
!            if s is specified R,PHI,Z are ignored
  TARGET_PRESS(01) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_PRESS(01) = 1.0  R_PRESS(01) =  3.0  PHI_PRESS(01) =  0.0  Z_PRESS(01) = 0.00
  TARGET_PRESS(02) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_PRESS(02) = 1.0  R_PRESS(02) =  3.1  PHI_PRESS(02) =  0.0  Z_PRESS(02) = 0.00
  TARGET_PRESS(03) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_PRESS(03) = 1.0  R_PRESS(03) =  3.2  PHI_PRESS(03) =  0.0  Z_PRESS(03) = 0.00
  TARGET_PRESS(04) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_PRESS(04) = 1.0  R_PRESS(04) =  3.3  PHI_PRESS(04) =  0.0  Z_PRESS(04) = 0.00
  TARGET_PRESS(05) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_PRESS(05) = 1.0  R_PRESS(05) =  3.4  PHI_PRESS(05) =  0.0  Z_PRESS(05) = 0.00
!       Electron Density profile [m^-3]
!         See Pressure above (not normalized)
  TARGET_NE(01) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_NE(01) = 1.0  R_NE(01) =  3.0  PHI_NE(01) =  0.0  Z_NE(01) = 0.00
  TARGET_NE(02) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_NE(02) = 1.0  R_NE(02) =  3.0  PHI_NE(02) =  0.0  Z_NE(02) = 0.00
  TARGET_NE(03) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_NE(03) = 1.0  R_NE(03) =  3.0  PHI_NE(03) =  0.0  Z_NE(03) = 0.00
!       Electron Temperature profile
!         See Pressure above
  TARGET_TE(01) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_TE(01) = 1.0  R_TE(01) =  3.0  PHI_TE(01) =  0.0  Z_TE(01) = 0.00
  TARGET_TE(02) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_TE(02) = 1.0  R_TE(02) =  3.0  PHI_TE(02) =  0.0  Z_TE(02) = 0.00
  TARGET_TE(03) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_TE(03) = 1.0  R_TE(03) =  3.0  PHI_TE(03) =  0.0  Z_TE(03) = 0.00
!       Ion Temperature profile
!         See Pressure above
  TARGET_TI(01) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_TI(01) = 1.0  R_TI(01) =  3.0  PHI_TI(01) =  0.0  Z_TI(01) = 0.00
  TARGET_TI(02) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_TI(02) = 1.0  R_TI(02) =  3.0  PHI_TI(02) =  0.0  Z_TI(02) = 0.00
  TARGET_TI(03) =  1.0E4  SIGMA_TI(03) = 1.0  R_TI(03) =  3.0  PHI_TI(03) =  0.0  Z_TI(03) = 0.00
!       Line Integrated Electron Density (256 chords possible)
!         Line defined from (R0,PHI0,Z0) to (R1,PHI1,Z1)
!         Simpsons Integral over 256 points across equilibrium
  TARGET_NE_LINE(01) = 1.0E19  SIGMA_NE_LINE(01) = 1.0E18
    R0_NE_LINE(01) = 1.0  PHI0_NE_LINE(01) = 3.14  Z0_NE_LINE(01) = 0.0
    R1_NE_LINE(01) = 5.0  PHI1_NE_LINE(01) = 3.14  Z1_NE_LINE(01) = 0.0
  TARGET_NE_LINE(02) = 2.0E19  SIGMA_NE_LINE(02) = 1.0E18
    R0_NE_LINE(02) = 2.5  PHI0_NE_LINE(02) = 3.14  Z0_NE_LINE(02) = -1.0
    R1_NE_LINE(02) = 2.5  PHI1_NE_LINE(02) = 3.14  Z1_NE_LINE(02) = 1.0
!       Faraday Rotation (256 chords possible)
!         Line integral of ne B dot dl
!         See Line Integrated Electron Density above
  TARGET_FARADAY(01) = 1.0E19  SIGMA_FARADAY(01) = 1.0E18
    R0_FARADAY(01) = 1.0  PHI0_NE_LINE(01) = 3.14  Z0_FARADAY(01) = 0.0
    R1_FARADAY(01) = 5.0  PHI1_NE_LINE(01) = 3.14  Z1_FARADAY(01) = 0.0
  TARGET_FARADAY(02) = 2.0E19  SIGMA_FARADAY(02) = 1.0E18
    R0_FARADAY(02) = 2.5  PHI0_FARADAY(02) = 3.14  Z0_FARADAY(02) = -1.0
    R1_FARADAY(02) = 2.5  PHI1_FARADAY(02) = 3.14  Z1_FARADAY(02) = 1.0
!       Motional Stark Effect Diagnostic (256 points possible)
!         Calculates the motional stark effect diagnostic response at a
!            point in R,PHI,Z
!         AX_MSE are the coefficients used in the calculation
!         VAC_MSE is a vacuum signal which is added to the target
!            (plasma only) signal.  If any LEXTCUR is set to true,
!            MAGDIAG_COIL (see below) is utilized to recalculate the
!            VAC_MSE signal.
  TARGET_MSE(01) = 1.0E-2  SIGMA_MSE(01) = 1.0E-4  VAC_MSE(01) = -1.0E-3
    R_MSE(01) = 2.5  PHI_MSE(01) = 1.04  Z_MSE(01) = 1.0
    A1_MSE(01) = 1.0E-4  A2_MSE(01) = 2.0E-3  A3_MSE(01) = -1.0E-4
    A4_MSE(01) = 5.0E-4  A5_MSE(01) = 3.0E-3  A6_MSE(01) = 8.0E-4
    A7_MSE(01) = 3.0E-4
!       Magnetic Diagnostics
!         MAGDIAG_COIL is used to provide a vacuum signal to the diagnostics.  It must
!            be included if any LEXTCUR is set to true.  If not supplied only plasma
!            response will be calculated.
!         TARGET_BPROBES  B-Probe Targeting
!         TARGET_FLUXLOOP Fluxloop Targeting
!         TARGET_ROGOWSKI Rogowski Coil Targeting
!         Note that the DIGANO_IN namelist must either appear in this file or
!         in a diagno.control file in the same directory.  See the DIAGNO code for
!         descriptions of how to specify the diagnostics.
  MAGDIAG_COIL = '/u/me/coil_dir/coils.mymachine'
  TARGET_BPROBE(01) = 1.0  SIGMA_BPROBE(01) = 0.01
  TARGET_BPROBE(02) = 1.1  SIGMA_BPROBE(02) = 0.01
  TARGET_BPROBE(03) = 1.3  SIGMA_BPROBE(03) = 0.01
  TARGET_BPROBE(04) = 0.5  SIGMA_BPROBE(04) = 0.01
  TARGET_FLUXLOOP(01) = 1.0E-2  SIGMA_FLUXLOOP(01) = 1.0E-4
  TARGET_FLUXLOOP(02) = 0.5E-2  SIGMA_FLUXLOOP(02) = 1.0E-4
  TARGET_FLUXLOOP(03) = 3.5E-2  SIGMA_FLUXLOOP(03) = 1.0E-4
  TARGET_ROGOWSKI(01) = 5.0E-1  SIGMA_ROGOWSKI(01) = 2.2E-3
!       Separatrix Targeting (256x256 grid possible)
!         A 256x256 grid of points in R, PHI, Z space which the code will attempt to
!        match with the equilibrium.  In general TARGET should be set to zero.
  TARGET_SEPARATRIX(01,01) = 0.0  SIGMA_SEPARATRIX(01,01) = 1.0E-3
    R_SEPARATRIX(01,01) = 2.5  PHI_SEPARATRIX(01,01) = 0.0  Z_SEPARATRIX(01,01) = 0.0
  TARGET_SEPARATRIX(02,01) = 0.0  SIGMA_SEPARATRIX(02,01) = 1.0E-3
    R_SEPARATRIX(02,01) = 5.0  PHI_SEPARATRIX(02,01) = 0.0  Z_SEPARATRIX(02,01) = 0.0